A vanity or a bathroom can easily become a series of junk drawers . but with some light organization, you can make sure the stuff you need on a regular basis is at your fingertips. SORT YOUR BELONGINGS: Separate the contents into three piles toss or give away, daily use and occasional use. keep your all old products in different drawer. When you buy new makeup, write down the date you opened it on the container or bottle s you know when to toss it. RELOCATE ITEMS: Consider housing your makeup and nail polish collection in a drier environment than the bathroom to extend its life. Things like hand soap, moisturizer and a box of tissues may permanently reside next to your sink – but try to keep those items to a minimum. RESTOCK: Organise what remains based on category: makeup, hair care products, first-aid items, etc. if every item has a home, you’II know where to find it and where to put it when you’re done. Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your inte...